The Mystifying Error: Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0”]}
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The Mystifying Error: Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0”]}

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the frustrating error message “Webhook Sent 400 {"embeds": ["0"]}”. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error has puzzled many developers, but fear not, for we’re about to dive into the world of webhooks and dissect this beast of an error.

What is a Webhook?

Before we tackle the error, let’s take a step back and understand what a webhook is. A webhook is an API callback, a way for one application to send real-time notifications to another application when a specific event occurs. It’s like a messenger between apps, allowing them to communicate and trigger actions.

How do Webhooks Work?

  • A webhook is triggered when an event occurs in the originating application.
  • The application sends an HTTP request to the webhook URL, typically with some data payload.
  • The receiving application processes the request and performs the desired action.

The Error: Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0”]}

The error message “Webhook Sent 400 {"embeds": ["0"]}” indicates that the webhook request has failed, and the server has returned a 400 status code. But what does it mean, and how do we fix it?

Breakdown of the Error Message

Webhook Sent 400 {"embeds": ["0"]}

Let’s dissect the error message:

  • Webhook Sent 400: The webhook request has been sent, but the server has responded with a 400 status code, indicating a bad request.
  • {"embeds": ["0"]}: This is the payload sent with the webhook request. It’s a JSON object with a single key-value pair: embeds is the key, and an array containing a single element "0" is the value.

Possible Causes of the Error

Now that we’ve broken down the error message, let’s explore some possible causes:

  1. Invalid JSON Payload: The JSON payload sent with the webhook request might be malformed or invalid. Double-check that the payload is correctly formatted and follows the expected structure.
  2. Missing or Incorrect API Token: Ensure that the API token or authentication credentials used to send the webhook request are valid and correctly configured.
  3. Server Configuration Issues: The server might be configured to reject certain types of requests or have specific security restrictions in place. Check the server logs and configuration to identify any potential issues.
  4. Rate Limiting or Throttling: If you’re sending multiple webhook requests in a short period, you might be hitting rate limits or throttling restrictions. Review the API documentation to understand the rate limits and adjust your request frequency accordingly.

Solutions and Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the possible causes, let’s dive into some solutions and troubleshooting steps:

Validate the JSON Payload

const payload = {
  "embeds": ["0"]


Use a JSON validator or a programming language’s built-in JSON functions to ensure the payload is correctly formatted and follows the expected structure.

Verify API Token and Authentication

Double-check the API token or authentication credentials used to send the webhook request. Ensure they are valid, not expired, and correctly configured.

Review Server Configuration and Logs

Inspect the server logs to identify any potential issues or configuration problems. Check the server’s error logs, access logs, and API logs to gather more information about the error.

Adjust Request Frequency and Rate Limiting

Review the API documentation to understand the rate limits and adjust your request frequency accordingly. Consider implementing exponential backoff or retry mechanisms to handle rate limiting.


The error “Webhook Sent 400 {"embeds": ["0"]}” can be frustrating, but by breaking down the error message and understanding the possible causes, you’re well on your way to resolving the issue. Remember to validate the JSON payload, verify API token and authentication, review server configuration and logs, and adjust request frequency and rate limiting.

Cause Solution
Invalid JSON Payload Validate the JSON payload using a JSON validator or programming language’s built-in JSON functions.
Missing or Incorrect API Token Verify the API token or authentication credentials used to send the webhook request.
Server Configuration Issues Review server logs and configuration to identify any potential issues.
Rate Limiting or Throttling Adjust request frequency and implement exponential backoff or retry mechanisms.

By following these steps and troubleshooting techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to handle the “Webhook Sent 400 {"embeds": ["0"]}” error and get your webhook requests working smoothly again.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with a pesky “Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0″]}” error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What does “Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0″]}” mean?

This error message typically indicates that there’s an issue with the data being sent to the webhook. Specifically, the “embeds” field is causing a problem. It’s like trying to send a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit – the webhook is rejecting the data because it’s not in the right format!

Why is my Discord webhook not working with this error?

This error is usually caused by an incorrect formatting of the “embeds” field in your webhook request. Double-check that you’re following the Discord API guidelines for sending embeds, and make sure you’re not attempting to send an empty or malformed embed. It’s like trying to send a message without the right formatting – it just won’t work!

How do I fix the “Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0″]}” error?

To fix this error, review your webhook request and ensure that the “embeds” field is properly formatted. Check that you’re not sending an empty or malformed embed, and that you’re following the correct syntax. You can also try testing your webhook with a simple request to see if the issue persists. If all else fails, try resetting your webhook or seeking help from the Discord API community!

Can I use a tool to debug my webhook request?

Yes, there are several tools available to help you debug your webhook requests. Tools like Postman or cURL can help you test and inspect your requests, making it easier to identify and fix issues like the “Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0″]}” error. It’s like having a special pair of glasses that helps you see what’s going on behind the scenes!

What if I’m still stuck with the “Webhook Sent 400 {“embeds”: [“0″]}” error?

Don’t worry! If you’re still stuck, try seeking help from the Discord API community or a developer forum. You can also try posting a detailed description of your issue and someone might be able to provide personalized assistance. Remember, you’re not alone in this struggle – and with a little patience and persistence, you’ll get that webhook working in no time!

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