Solving the Mysterious HTTP GET Error 702: A Guided Troubleshooting for SIM800l and VL53L0X Sensor
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Solving the Mysterious HTTP GET Error 702: A Guided Troubleshooting for SIM800l and VL53L0X Sensor

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Are you frustrated with the HTTP GET error 702 that appears when trying to send a GET request with your VL53L0X sensor, only to find that it works seamlessly with the DHT11 sensor? You’re not alone! This article is designed to help you identify and resolve the root cause of this issue, ensuring that you can successfully send GET requests with your VL53L0X sensor and SIM800l module.

Understanding the Error 702

Before diving into the troubleshooting process, it’s essential to understand what HTTP GET error 702 means. This error typically indicates that there is a problem with the server or the request itself. In your case, it’s likely that the issue lies with the VL53L0X sensor or the way it’s being used in conjunction with the SIM800l module.

VL53L0X Sensor Overview

The VL53L0X is a high-accuracy, long-range proximity sensor that uses laser technology to measure distances. It’s a popular choice for robotics, drones, and IoT projects. However, when integrated with the SIM800l module, it can lead to unexpected errors, such as the HTTP GET error 702.

SIM800l Module Overview

The SIM800l module is a popular cellular communication module used for IoT projects. It provides a convenient way to send and receive data over the cellular network. When paired with the VL53L0X sensor, it’s expected to work seamlessly, but sometimes, errors can occur.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that you have a basic understanding of the error and the components involved, let’s dive into the troubleshooting steps to resolve the HTTP GET error 702.

Step 1: Check the VL53L0X Sensor Connection

Verify that the VL53L0X sensor is properly connected to your microcontroller or board. Double-check the wiring and ensure that the sensor is powered correctly. Consult the datasheet or documentation provided with the sensor to ensure that you’re following the correct connection diagram.

Connection Diagram:
VCC - 3.3V
INT - INT (optional)

Step 2: Verify the SIM800l Module Connection

Next, verify that the SIM800l module is properly connected to your microcontroller or board. Ensure that the power supply is correct and that the Module is properly configured. Consult the datasheet or documentation provided with the module to ensure that you’re following the correct connection diagram.

Connection Diagram:
VCC - 3.3V/5V

Step 3: Check the VL53L0X Sensor Code

Review the code used to interact with the VL53L0X sensor. Ensure that you’re using the correct library and that the sensor is properly initialized. Consult the datasheet or documentation provided with the sensor to ensure that you’re following the correct protocol.


VL53L0X sensor;

void setup() {

void loop() {
int distance = sensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();
if (sensor.timeoutOccurred()) {
Serial.println(" TIMEOUT");

Step 4: Check the SIM800l Module Code

Review the code used to interact with the SIM800l module. Ensure that you’re using the correct library and that the module is properly configured. Consult the datasheet or documentation provided with the module to ensure that you’re following the correct protocol.


SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);

void setup() {

void loop() {
mySerial.println("GET /api/data HTTP/1.1");
mySerial.println("Connection: close");

Step 5: Check for Conflicting I2C Addresses

If you’re using multiple I2C devices, ensure that they don’t share the same address. The VL53L0X sensor has a default I2C address of 0x29. If you’re using another I2C device with the same address, it may cause conflicts. Consult the datasheet or documentation provided with the device to ensure that you’re using a unique I2C address.

Device I2C Address
VL53L0X Sensor 0x29
DHT11 Sensor None (digital output)

Step 6: Check for Software Conflicts

Verify that there are no software conflicts between the VL53L0X sensor and the SIM800l module. Ensure that the libraries used for each component are compatible and not causing any issues.

Step 7: Check the Power Supply

Verify that the power supply is sufficient for both the VL53L0X sensor and the SIM800l module. Ensure that the voltage and current requirements are met, and that there are no power-related issues.

Step 8: Check for Environmental Factors

Verify that environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and lighting, are not affecting the performance of the VL53L0X sensor or the SIM800l module. Ensure that the operating conditions are within the specified ranges for each component.


In this article, we’ve walked you through a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to resolve the HTTP GET error 702 when using the VL53L0X sensor with the SIM800l module. By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the root cause of the issue, ensuring that your project runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember to carefully check the connections, code, and configurations to ensure that everything is correct and compatible.

Final Tips and Recommendations

Here are some final tips and recommendations to keep in mind:

  • Always consult the datasheet or documentation provided with each component to ensure that you’re following the correct protocols and configurations.
  • Use a logic analyzer or oscilloscope to debug and analyze the communication between the microcontroller and the components.
  • Ensure that the power supply is sufficient and stable to prevent any power-related issues.
  • Use a breadboard or PCB to ensure that the connections are secure and reliable.
  • Test each component separately to ensure that they’re functioning correctly before integrating them into a single project.

By following these tips and recommendations, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the HTTP GET error 702 and successfully integrating the VL53L0X sensor with the SIM800l module.


Here are some useful resources that you can refer to for further information:

  1. Vl53l0x datasheet:
  2. Sim800l datasheet:
  3. Vl53l0x library:
  4. Sim800l library:

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the HTTP GET error 702 when using the VL53L0X sensor with the SIM800l module. If you

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re having trouble sending a GET request with the VL53L0X sensor and encountering an HTTP error 702 with your SIM800l module, but not with the DHT11 sensor, you’re not alone! Check out these FAQs to troubleshoot the issue.

Q1: What could be causing the HTTP GET error 702 with the VL53L0X sensor?

A1: The VL53L0X sensor might be consuming more power than the SIM800l module can handle, leading to a power-related issue. Try reducing the power consumption of the sensor or adding a capacitor to the SIM800l module to stabilize the power supply.

Q2: Is the VL53L0X sensor compatible with the SIM800l module?

A2: Yes, the VL53L0X sensor is compatible with the SIM800l module. However, you need to ensure that the sensor is properly initialized and configured before sending the GET request. Double-check your code and sensor settings to ensure they’re correct.

Q3: Can I use a level shifter to connect the VL53L0X sensor to the SIM800l module?

A3: Yes, using a level shifter can help resolve any voltage-level incompatibility issues between the VL53L0X sensor and the SIM800l module. Make sure to choose a level shifter that’s compatible with both devices and follows the correct voltage levels.

Q4: Is the issue related to the GET request itself or the sensor?

A4: To determine if the issue is with the GET request or the sensor, try sending a GET request without the VL53L0X sensor and see if it works. If it does, then the issue is likely related to the sensor or its configuration. If not, then the issue might be with the SIM800l module or the GET request itself.

Q5: Are there any firmware updates or modifications I can apply to resolve the issue?

A5: Check the official documentation and support resources for both the VL53L0X sensor and the SIM800l module to see if there are any firmware updates or modifications that can help resolve the HTTP GET error 702. You can also search online forums and communities for similar issues and potential solutions.

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